
Welcome to our blog!

Who are we?
This blog is written by current doctoral students at Wheaton College or alumni of the doctoral program. We are studying Old Testament, New Testament, Historical Theology, or Systematic Theology. We accept the Wheaton College statement of faith though we come from a variety of evangelical backgrounds. You can click on individual profiles to read more about each contributor.

What will this blog offer?
Our goal is to serve Christ’s Church by making current scholarship on the Bible and theology accessible to interested lay people, pastors, and scholars. To that end, we will provide book reviews, current research, summaries of lectures and conferences, interviews, general opinion and reflection pieces, etc. We hope this will provide readers with helpful resources and give interested applicants a window into the PhD program at Wheaton College.

This blog does not officially represent or speak for Wheaton College or Wheaton College Graduate School. The opinions expressed on this blog are solely those of the author of each post.

3 Responses to About

  1. Dick Dahlquist says:

    I have just finished listening to your paper/presentation at ETS. One of the courses I teach at Grace is the Gospel of Mark. In fact it is scheduled to come up again this summer. I would like to get a copy of your paper on the Kingdom and Cross in Mark. Thanks

  2. Jeremy Treat says:

    Hi Dick. I’d be glad to pass along the paper. Can you give me your email address?

  3. Greetings Mr. Kibbe,

    I missed ETS this year but had wanted to hear your paper “Priesthood and the Sequence of Atonement…” Is there a possibility of obtaining an electronic copy?
    Thank you.
    Kind regards,

    L. Michael Morales, Ph.D.
    Professor of Old Testament/Hebrew
    Reformation Bible College
    407 333-4244

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